Sept. 1 - HCUMC Reserved, Brevity Club
Parish Council at 7:30 pm at HCUMC
Sept. 5 - Communion Sunday
Sept. 6 - Labor Day - Office Closed
Sept. 7 - Permanent Endowment Fund Meeting at 6:30 pm at HCUMC
Rachel's Challenge at the Garden Grove School gymn at 7 pm
Sept. 8 - UMW at 1 pm at HCUMC
TUF Team at 3:30 pm -5 pm at HCUMC, orientation, games, and ice cream
Ad. Council meeting at 7:15 pm at HCUMC
Sept. 12 - UTP Pot luck at noon at HCUMC
Sunday School resumes at HCUMC at 9:15 am
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