Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Upcoming Events for the Week of Dec. 27

Dec. 30 - Quilting at LeRoy at 1 pm
NO Open House at Pastor Dale's home

Dec. 31 - New Year's Eve Party at HCUMC from 7- Midnight, bring games, food, etc to share.
Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult.

Jan. 1 - Amanda will be out of the office.

Jan. 3 - Helping Hands meeting following church service at HCUMC.
DOC Annual meeting following church service at HCUMC.

Jan. 10 - UTP Pot Luck at LeRoy at Noon.

Jan. 17 - LeRoy Annual meeting at 8 am with pot luck breakfast, bring a dish to share, at LeRoy.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Upcoming Events for the Week of Dec. 20

Dec. 23 - Quilting at LeRoy at 1 pm

Dec. 24 - Youth Group sponsored Candle Light Service at 11 pm at HCUMC

Dec. 24-28 - Amanda will be out of the office.

Dec. 27 - Youth Group at 6:30 pm at HCUMC
Choir Practice at 7 pm at HCUMC

Dec. 30 - Quilting at LeRoy at 1 pm
Pastor O'Connell's Open House from 3-7:30 pm in Lucas

Dec. 31 - New Year's Eve Part at 7 to Midnight at HCUMC, bring food, drinks, and
games to share. Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Upcoming Events for the Week of Dec. 13

Dec. 15 - PWP at LeRoy at 2 pm, bring Christmas goodies to share.
Finance meeting at HCUMC at 6:30 pm

Dec. 16 - Christmas luncheon at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Amanda & Dale will
be gone.
Quilting at LeRoy at 1 pm
TUF Team meeting at 3:30-5 pm at HCUMC

Dec. 17 - Prayer Shawl meeting at 7:30 pm at HCUMC
Al Anon group meeting at 7:30 pm at HCUMC library

Dec. 24 - Humeston Area Youth Group Sponsored Candle Light service at 11 pm at HCUMC

Dec. 30 - O'Connell Open House from 3-7:30 pm at the home of the Pastor in Lucas

Dec. 31 - New Year's Eve Party from 7-Midnight at HCUMC, bring food, games, and the
kids. Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Upcoming Events for the Week of Dec. 6

Dec. 7 - Session meeting at LeRoy at 6:30 pm

Dec. 9 - UMW meeting at 1 pm at HCUMC
Ad. Council meeting at 7:15 pm at HCUMC

Dec. 10 - Al Anon group at 7:30 pm at HCUMC

Dec. 11 - LeRoy Christmas practice at 5 pm at LeRoy

Dec. 12 - LeRoy Children's Christmas Program at 7 pm at LeRoy, refreshments to follow.

Dec. 13 - HCUMC Children's Christmas program during worship (10:30 am)
UTP Pot Luck at 12 at HCUMC
Youth Group meeting at 6:30 pm at HCUMC
Choir practice at 7 pm at HCUMC

Dec.15 - Finance meeting at 6:30 pm at HCUMC

Monday, November 30, 2009

Upcoming Events for the Week of Nov. 29

Dec. 2 - Quilting at LeRoy church at 1 pm
TUF Team meeting at 3:30-5 pm at HCUMC
Finance meeting at 6:30 pm at HCUMC

Dec. 3 - Al Anon group meeting at 7:30 pm at HCUMC

Dec. 5 - HCUMC is reserved for Linda Watkins

Dec. 6 - Youth sponsored meal is CANCELLED
One Month To Live planning meeting at 6 pm at HCUMC
Youth group meeting at 6:30 pm at HCUMC
Choir practice at 7 pm

Dec. 7 - Session meeting at 6:30 pm at LeRoy church.

Dec. 12 - LeRoy Sunday school/Children's program at 7 pm, refreshments to follow in basement.

Dec. 13 - HCUMC Sunday school/Children's program at 10:30 pm, during worship at HCUMC

Monday, November 23, 2009

Upcoming Events for the Week of Nov. 22

Nov. 22-28 - Pastor Dale will be gone on vacation.

Nov. 24 - HCUMC is reserved.

Nov. 25 - Quilting at LeRoy church at 1 pm

Nov. 26 - Community Thanksgiving Dinner from 11-1 pm at HCUMC.
Al Anon group at 7:30 pm at HCUMC library

Nov. 26-27 - Church offices will be closed.

Nov. 29 - Open Hearts in Bethlehem Musical play will be HCUMC at 10:30 am during worship.
5th Sunday special offering at HCUMC
Youth Group meeting at 6:30 pm at HCUMC

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Upcoming Events for the Week of Nov. 15

Nov. 17 - PWP at 2 pm at LeRoy church.

Nov. 18 - TUF Team at 3:30-5 pm at HCUMC.
Quilting at 1 pm at LeRoy Church.

Nov. 19 - Elder/Lay Leader class at 10 am at HCUMC; Nov 19 chapter 7.
Al Anon group at 7:30 pm at HCUMC Library

Nov. 21 - Blood Drive at HCUMC from 8-11 am in fellowship hall.

Nov. 22 - Charge Conference at Millerton UMC at 2:30 pm
Youth Group at 6:30 pm at HCUMC
Wayne County Thanksgiving Service at 6:30 pm at the Corydon UMC

Upcoming Dates to save...

Nov. 23-28 - Pastor Dale will be gone on vacation.

Nov. 29 - Open Hearts in Bethlehem musical play at HCUMC during worship at 10:30 am.
5th Sunday special offering at HCUMC

Monday, November 9, 2009

Upcoming Events for the Week of Nov. 8

Nov. 9 - Pastor Dale at Corydon Nursing Home worship at 2 pm

Nov. 10 - Parable Bible Study at 6:15 pm at HCUMC; Nov 10 – The Unjust Steward and God,
the Truth and Mammon (Luke 16:1-8)

Nov. 11 - Quilting at LeRoy church at 1 pm
UMW meeting at 1 pm at HCUMC
Finance meeting at 6:30 pm at HCUMC
Ad. Council meeting at 7:30 pm at HCUMC

Nov. 12 - Elder/Lay Leader class at 10 am at HCUMC; Nov 12 chapter 6, Nov 19 chapter 7.
Al Anon group at 7:30 pm at HCUMC Library

Nov. 15 - Puplip Swap at both churches, Pastor Nathan Lamb will be our guest minister for the
day, he is from the Community Presbyterian church in Hartford.
Youth Group meeting at 6:30 pm at HCUMC

Nov. 22 - Charge Conference at 2:30 pm at the Millerton UMC

Nov. 29 - Open Hearts in Bethlehem, musical play at HCUMC during worship at 10:30 am.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Upcoming Events for the Week of Nov. 1

Nov. 3 - Parable Bible Study at 6:15 pm at HCUMC; Nov 3 – 3 Disciples, Friends at
Midnight, Poem (9:57-62; 11:5-13; 18:2-8) and Nov 10 – The Unjust Steward
and God, the Truth and Mammon (Luke 16:1-8)

Nov. 4 - Quilting at LeRoy church at 1 pm
TUF Team meeting at 3:30 - 5 pm at HCUMC
Parish Council meeting at 7:30 pm at HCUMC

Nov. 5 - Elder/Lay Leader Class at 10 am at HCUMC; Nov 5 chapter 5, and Nov 12
chapter 6
Pastor's Interview at Corydon UMC church at 2 pm
Al Anon meeting at 7:30 pm at HCUMC Library

Nov. 7 - Ingathering at Greenfield

Nov. 8 - UTP Pot Luck at HCUMC at 12 pm
Youth Group meeting at 6:30 pm at HCUMC

Nov. 9 - Corydon Nursing Home worship with Pastor Dale at 2 pm, everyone is welcome
to join him.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Abundant Life: Where Has It Gone?

In the last several weeks I’ve encountered several people, some here in the community, whose lives are miserable. Much of their misery is caused by well-intentioned people in their lives who seem to think they know better “what’s good for them.”

A long time ago I learned that there are only three roles to choose from when in a relationship. One can assume the role of a child. One can assume the role of a parent. Or, one can assume the role of an adult.

Healthy relationships are adult-adult relationships.

Sadly, I am discovering that a ton of people prefer the parent role. Apparently it is easier and simpler for the many “bullies” out there to “parent” the whole world, imposing their notions on everyone. They would rather not listen to, reason with, or accept as true and valid anyone else’s idea, understanding, or preference.

I guess the parent role works pretty well for the “ones who think they know best.” But their bullying is misery for everyone else around, especially their family.

I have never met a grown up who appreciates the indignity of being treated as a child. I have never met a bully who is, even in the least little bit, ever satisfied.

Jesus came to break that chain of violence and oppression. At the beginning of his ministry, as recorded in the Gospel of Luke, he says,

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me… He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives … to set at liberty those who are oppressed … "

I truly believe that if God could hate, he would hate bullies the most. Why? Because the misery bullies inflict sucks the ever-lasting life out of the souls of God’s beloved ones. Whereas Jesus, speaking of himself as the good shepherd, says,

“I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”

God gives life. The Gospel of John tells us that. Ezekiel 34 explains that God stands over against oppressors and bullies. Be assured of that.

May the oppressed reach out to Jesus, and receive him.
May those who live in misery find freedom to stand in the power of Jesus, and live.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Upcoming Events for the Week of Oct. 25

Oct. 27 - Parable Bible Study at 6:15 pm at HCUMC; Oct 27 Zaccheus and King in Far Country
(19:2-8) and Nov 3 – 3 Disciples, Friends at Midnight, Poem (9:57-62; 11:5-13; 18:2-

Oct. 28 - Quilting at 1 pm at LeRoy church
Finance Meeting at 6:30 pm at HCUMC

Oct. 29 - Elder/Lay Leader class at 10 am at HCUMC; Oct 29 chapter 4 and Nov 5 chapter 5
Al Anon Group at 7:30 pm at HCUMC Library

Oct. 31 - Trustees meeting at 10 am at HCUMC

Nov. 1 - Youth Group sponsored soup/salad luncheon following church at HCUMC, fundraiser
Youth group meeting at 6:30 pm at HCUMC
Breakfast at LeRoy at 8 am

Nov. 4 - Parish council meeting at 7:30 pm at HCUMC

Nov. 7 - It is Ingathering Time again when we bring goods to share with those in need around
the world. This year we are assembling Birthing Kits to be used by mid-wives in
underdeveloped countries. These and all other kits should be at the Humeston church
before services next Sunday. Money donations to help with overseas shipping costs are
appreciated as well.

The actual Ingathering is on Sat Nov 7th at the Methodist Church in Greenfield. All

Nov. 8 - UTP Pot luck at HCUMC at 12 pm

Monday, October 19, 2009

Upcoming Events for the Week of Oct. 18

Oct. 20 - PWP at LeRoy at 2 pm, everyone is welcome to come.
Parables Bible Study at 6:15 pm at HCUMC, Oct 20 Parable of Sower, Parable of
Builder (8:4-8, 6:46-49) and Oct 27 Zaccheus and King in Far Country (19:2-8)

Oct. 21 - TUF Team meeting at 3:30 pm - 5 pm

Oct. 22 - Elder/Lay Leader Class at 10 am at HCUMC, Oct 22 chapter 3 and Oct 29 chapter 4.
Nominations meeting at 6:30 pm at HCUMC
Al Anon meeting at 7:30 pm at HCUMC library

Oct. 24 - Sewing Class offered by the Grassroots Galary, taking place at HCUMC fellwoship hall

Oct. 25 - Helping Hands meeting following church service at HCUMC
Youth Group meeting at 6:30 pm at HCUMC

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Upcoming Events for the Week of Oct. 11

Oct. 13 - Parables Bible Study at 6:15 pm at HCUMC

Oct. 14 - UMW at 2 pm at HCUMC
Ad Council meeting at 7:15 pm at HCUMC

Oct. 15 - Elder/Lay Leader Class at 10 am at HCUMC
Al Anon grou at 7:30 pm at HCUMC Library

Coming up at on the last Sunday, Oct. 25, a Helping Hands meeting following church service at HCUMC.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Upcoming Events for the Week of Oct. 4

Oct. 5 - HCUMC reserved, Jan Lohner, PEO Meeting

Oct. 6 - Parable Bible Study at 6:15 pm at HCUMC;
Oct 6, The Rich Fool (12:13-21) and Oct 13, The Great Banquet (14:15-24).

Oct. 7 - TUF Team meeting from 3:30-5 pm at HCUMC
Parish Council at 7:30 pm at HCUMC

Oct. 8 - Elder/Lay Leader Class at 10 am at HCUMC; Oct 8, chapter 2; Oct 15, chapter 3
Al Anon meeting at 7:30 pm at HCUMC

Oct. 11 - Infant Baptistm at HCUMC, Loralie Grace Webb, daughter of Joanna & Roger Webb
UTP Pot Luck at LeRoy at 12 pm.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Upcoming Events for the Week of Sept. 27

Sept. 29 - Parable Bible Study at 6:15 pm at HCUMC; Next lessons are Sept 29,
Sept 29, the Woman in the House of Simon (7:36-50) and Oct. 6 The Rich

Oct. 1 - Elder/Lay Leader Class at 10 am at HCUMC; We will be discussing chapter 1
of “Your Calling as an Elder” by Gary Straub.
Books are available in Pastor’s office. Pastor Dale is happy to offer
additional meeting times for either of these 2 classes if the scheduled
time is inconvenient for you, additional meeting times for either of these 2
classes if the scheduled time is inconvenient for you.

Oct. 4 - World Communion Sunday
Special Offering - Peacemaking Offering at LeRoy
DOC World Communion Offering
200th Anniversary of the DOC at Humeston

Monday, September 21, 2009

Upcoming Events for the Week of Sept. 20

Sept. 21 - Clean Up Day at LeRoy Church at 9 am

Sept. 22 - Parables Bible Study at 6:15 pm at HCUMC

Sept. 23 - TUF Team at 3:30-5 pm at HCUMC

Sept. 24 - Elder/Lay Leader class at 10 am at HCUMC
Al Anon group meeting at 7:30 pm at HCUMC Library

Sept. 25 - Preparation Day at LeRoy at 1:30 pm

Sept. 26 - LeRoy Harvest Festival
Parade at 11:30 am, registration at 11 am at city hall/park
Kid games following parade in church yard
Music/Dedication at 12:30 pm
Auction at 2 pm
Free Will Supper at 5 pm

Monday, September 14, 2009

Upcoming Events for the Week of Sept. 13

Sept. 14 - Session Meeting at LeRoy Church at 6:30 pm

Sept. 15 - PWP at 2 pm at LeRoy Church
Parables Bible Study at 6:15 pm at HCUMC Church

Sept. 16 - Finance meeting at 6:30 pm at HCUMC Church

Sept. 17 - Elder/Lay Leader Class at 10 am at HCUMC Church
Wayne Count Ministerial Assoc. meeting at 12 pm (WCMA)
Presbyterian Regional Partnership meeting at 6:30 pm at Harford UPC
Al Anon group meeting at 7:30 pm at HCUMC Library

Sept. 19 - Blood Drive at 8-11 am at HCUMC Church fellowship hall

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Upcoming Events for the Week of Sept. 6

September 8 - DOC Cluster Meeting at 11:30 am at Diagonal Church

September 9 - UMW at 1 pm
TUF Teams 1st meeting after school from 3:30-5 pm for 4th, 5th, & 6th
Administrative Council meeting at 7:15 pm at HCUMC

Septebmer 10 - Al Anon meeting at 7:30 pm in the HCUMC Library (follow directions on
the doors.)

September 13 - UTP Pot Luck at HCUMC at 12 pm

Friday, August 28, 2009

LeRoy Harvest Festival

September 26, 2009

Parade at 11:30 am
(Bring the kids and join in the fun!)
Registration is at 11 am

Music & Dedication at 12:30 pm

Auction at 2 pm

Free Will Supper at 5 pm

Come and enjoy all the festivities for the day.

Fall Bible Studies

Pastor Dale will be resuming Bible Study classes in September. The present schedule is:

1. to study the Parables of Jesus in Luke – class time 6:15 pm on Tuesdays beginning September 15th with the Bible as the only textbook.

2. to study the ministry of the laity – class time 10:00 am on Thursdays beginning September 17th. We will be using “Your Calling as an Elder” by Gary Straub. We will also review the standards for lay leadership laid out by each of the 3 denominations in the parish. It is more of a “How to” class to assist and encourage leaders in their own ministries and in service to the church.

Pastor Dale is happy to offer additional meeting times for either of these 2 classes if the scheduled time is inconvenient for you.

Pastor Dale is still holding open the option for a web conferencing class of up to 8 people, an internet class with members participating from home.

Al Anon Group

We are wanting to start an Al Anon family group meeting in Humeston.

Al Anon is a program to help people cope with the effects of alcoholism
in their family. We share our experiences, strengths, and hopes with
each other to gain the peace and serenity we have lost in fighting the
disease of alcoholism.

If interested in attending please contact Pastor Dale O’Connell
at the Christian United Methodist Church, or call 641-877-4641.

Day and time pending.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Lots of Engergy

Lots of Energy - August Events – Enjoy – Inspire – Grow
Help Spread the Word. Everyone welcome.

I’m really excited and almost overwhelmed by the energy and enthusiasm so many are showing for the fellowship of the parish. We’ve got some wonderful activities scheduled. And they are not “just” programs to attend, but also opportunities to receive God’s spiritual blessings.
With all the stress in the world today a little Uplifting can go a long way. Do you know anyone who could use a bit of a lift? Round ‘em up and bring ‘em in.

I. Camp E.D.G.E. LeRoy VBS – Mon 3rd – Fri 7th (6:00-8:00 pm)
Closing program at church – Sun 9th

Ad Council – Wed 12th
Presbytery Meeting – Sat 15th

II. Sondogs Concert at Humeston Church – Sun 16th (
Mr. Thatcher’s band. Hospitality by Teen Center Advisory Board

First Day of School – Thur 20th
Last Day of State Fair – Sun 23rd

III. Parish Day at I-Cubs, Principal Park – Sun 23rd (1:05 start time)
Leave from Humeston parking lot 11:40

IV. Parish services at Corydon Care Center – Mon 24th (2:00 pm)

V. School of Congregational Learning – Sat 29th in West Des Moines
Leadership Training – 40 classes offered – Pastor Dale teaching 100 Ways to Pray

There’s something for everyone in August. VBS at LeRoy for families & children. Christian Rock Concert in Humeston for youth and young at heart. I-Cubs game at Principal Park for families & friends. Worship at Corydon Care Center for residents & others. Personal growth for seekers and leaders at the School for Congregational Learning. Hope you can join us for one or more of these outstanding events. Help spread the word. Build up the fellowship.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Campers Report

Our campers are home. We've heard from 2 of the 5 so far. What a wonderful and meaningful experience they've had. How privileged we are to have these marvelous spiritual opportunities available for our children. Thank you Jesus.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Son Rock Kids Camp VBS

Awesome Day. 9 to 6 crafts, games, lessons, music, snacks, food, snacks, and more food. 35 kids, 25 leaders & helpers. Focus on Peter and Jesus. I like Peter's humanness - willing follower, daring & denying, solid rock.

Key verse Romans 10:9, If we will confess with our lips that Jesus Is Lord, and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead We Will Be Saved.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Ice Cream Social

LeRoy Presbyterian Church
is hosting an

Ice Cream Social

July 12, 2009

4 pm till gone.

Ice Cream, toppings, pie, and sandwiches will be served.

Free Will Offering
Come join us!

Church Campers 2009

The Parish has sponsored 5 kids to camp this year. Below are the names and address for them. They love getting mail at camp!

All 6 campers are leaving on July 6 and returning July 11.

Emma Casey
Holly Wetterling
Samantha Watsabaugh
Jamie Young
Tanner Wetterling

(Camper’s Name), Junior Camp # 4
Christian Conference Center
5064 Lincoln Street
Newton, Ia 50208

HCUMC VBS - Son Rock Kids Camp

HCUMC and the First Baptist church will be having vacation Bible school on July 11 only!!! This one day event will start at 9 am and ending at 6 pm at the Humeston Christian United Methodist Church. Come join in the fun.


LeRoy Presbyterian Church will be having vacation Bible school on August 3-7 pm from 6-8 pm each evening. This year’s theme is Camp E.D.G.E., Experience & Discover God Everywhere.
All children and helpers are welcome. Registration will be Monday, Aug. 3 at 6 pm. A light supper will be served from 6-6:30 each night followed by that evenings events. The program will be on Aug. 9 at 9 am, followed with refreshments, Sunday school, and pot luck with UTP.

Ecumenical Worship in the Park

There will be worship in the park on Sunday, July 19. NO CHURCH at the HCUMC or LeRoy Parish. Worship will be at 10 am. There will be a variety of musical numbers, a word from Pastor Dale, all hosted by Pastor Art. Bring your lawn chair, relax, and worship God.

South Central Presbyterian Partnership Pot Luck

There will be a special South Central Partnership Potluck in Leon Thursday, July 23 at 6:30 with Kathy Mahler. Kathy is the Des Moines Presbytery mission co-worker to El Salvador. Kathy is passionate about serving the people of Our Sister Parish (Companeros) and an excellent speaker. Don’t miss this opportunity to listen and learn.

What's Best

Student A scores “a perfect 10”, the only student to do so, but only expends a 70% effort in doing it. Student B, on the other hand, gives a “total effort of 100%”, the only one to do so, but only scores a “7”. Which is the best student?

Is Shawn Johnson really the best dancer?

At the Wayne County Fair one jar of applesauce is judged “Best of Show”. How is “best” determined? by whether it is tart enough, chunky enough, the perfect color, or interestingly presented?

I read a report earlier this month of the 10 Best Cities to live in. I wouldn’t want to live in any of them. Who decides what’s best? what’s best overall? and what’s best for me?

Doing My Best Sometimes I have actually done my best. Surprised me too! The goal of doing my best helps, but not always. I’ve learned that a relaxed pace is sometimes healthier, more productive and satisfying.

My best is different on different days, too I concentrate best in the morning. I exercise best in the late afternoon. I am not at my social best on Saturday night with my mind drifting toward Sunday’s coming. What is my best? And what’s best for me?

What’s Best for Me Aside from the obvious (like don’t drink and drive), if I don’t know what’s best for me, how can anyone else? Oh, others have been a great help to me, for sure. When I ask they share what they think is best. Their advice is helpful and worth considering. But it isn’t always the best. Do you know what’s best for me?

What’s Best for Others Do you know what’s best for my family? or anyone else?
Do you know what’s best for the economy? the church? our country? or “those” people?

I served as an inner-city pastor for 4 years. I spent a month in Ghana, West Africa. I was a chaplain in the National Guard, the national park system, and Valley Hope Alcohol Treatment facilities. I’ve been a pastor for 40 years, back east, out west, in Appalachia and in the heartland. I’ve read the Bible.

Two Things I’ve Learned First, as it applies to myself and what’s best for me – it’s up to me, like this little poem from my childhood says.
Good better best,
Never let it rest,
Till your good is better
And your better best.

And second, as it applies to what’s best for others, in whose shoes I’ve not walked.
God knows. And I’m not God.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

4 Huge Events

Come and See what the Lord will do.

1-Day, all-day Vacation Bible School in Humeston at the Christian United Methodist Church. Saturday July 11th. Bring kids. Come help, or just be there to witness, share, encourage.

Ice Cream Social at the Presbyterian Church in LeRoy, Sunday July 12th, at 4:00 pm until 6 or 7 or so, sandwiches and desserts included. FWO

Humeston Watermelon Day Saturday July 18 - all day and night in the park.

Church in the Park, in Humeston at 10:00 am Sunday July 19th. Combined services offered by the Baptist and Christian/United Methodist churches.

Golf Outing

David Street, Lew Hickok, Dan White and Kevin Cline represented Humeston CUMC at the annual golf outing sponsored by the Uppermidwest Region of the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ in Norwalk. Pastor Dale rode along. The team shot 7-under par and tied for 2nd with 4 other teams, but came up short of any prizes when the tie-breakers were applied.

David Street did win a prize - for his drive on one of the par 3 holes landing closest to the pin. Congratulations Dave. Perfect day!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 3 - VBS at Garden Grove June 22-26

3rd day of VBS in Garden Grove. It just gets better and better. 15 kids tonight learning that Jesus gives them the Power to be Brave. Made slime for crafts. Yucky fun. Then outside for water balloons.

Kids keep requesting this energetic VBS version of There's Power in the Blood.

Day 2 - VBS at Garden Grove June 22-26

More kids tonight - 17. Wow! PTL. The theme was "Helping Others" and was based on the story of Jesus healing the blind man.

PB&J & chips for dinner. Chocolate pudding (mud) for snacks. Do you remember that in the Jesus story he healed the blind man by making mud and putting it on his eyes?

Couldn't go outdoors for games due to rain with lightening, so played Knots. Old game but new to everyone there and lots of fun.

More than doubled the weight of the coins everyone brought and last night the boys coins outweighed the girls. The money will be used to help Marion Missions build Shallow Wells in Malawi, Africa.

Watch video clips.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 1 - VBS at Garden Grove June 22-26

What a great start to a promising week. 11 children and lots of great help made our first night a real winner.

Sandwiches for dinner. Power Lab lesson was "Always Be Thankful" using the story of Jesus and the 10 Lepers Cleansed. Games & Crafts.

Mission focus on Marion Missions building Shallow Wells in Malawi Africa. Girls loose coin offering was 8 oz. and boys only 6 oz. The race is on, but we already know the winners will be the small children in Africa who live due to having the clean water our well will provide.

Watch video clips.

Monday, June 15, 2009

One Big Sunday

It was a big day in the parish Sunday. We had a beautiful Communion Service at LeRoy and enjoyed having visiting relatives join us. That was the early service. And then back to LeRoy for the parish potluck at noon. I went back for seconds on the ham balls and the spaghetti. Skipped the pie but somehow ended up with 3 pieces of cake on my plate. How'd that happen?

At Humeston we celebrated the Sacrament of Baptism, baptizing Juan and Jennifer's infant daughter Carlee. Baptism is such a beautiful and holy time.

Another Humeston treat was hearing from Diane. We love to hear from her, but will miss that privilege now that she is answering the call of God to enter the United Methodist ministry. In her parting remarks she particularly acknowledge a couple church members who 15 years ago began encouraging her to consider this path she is now pursuing. We will be posting her remarks.

What we cannot post, but only remember, are the few held back tears, lots of hugs, a Cokesbury Book Store gift card and Diane's reminder about the Bishop's Fit Challenge.

A last event in that Humeston service was the total surprise for Pastor Dale of the United Methodist Women Special Mission Award recognizing his commitment to ministries with women, children and youth.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Something Needs to Be Said

The Artist's Statement interprets the Pentecost story as Radical Hospitality using "color theory." Check out the chairs, the table. Listen for where you might sit and with whom you might sit.

Something needs to be said.

Radical Hospitality, Receiving God's Grace was the Theme of the 2009 Iowa Annual Conference. What is Radical Hospitality? Is there any Radical Hospitality in us?

Allow yourself 13 minutes and listen.

Christian Church Upper Midwest Update

Lots of changes here. The offices have been moved from Des Moines to the Christian Conference Center in Newton. Phone 515-255-3168. And Connie Derby Dicks is the new Administrative Coordinator for Ministries. Email cddumw@gmail.com.

Do you want to receive regular email updates? Let Connie know.

Bill Spangler-Dunning is the Lead Transitional Regional Minister and President. See his latest podcast (video update) here. Don Hiscox continues as the Associate Regional Minister but with duties re-defined more in support of clergy and churches than program. Bert Burns is the Christian Conference Center Director.

Global Mission partners continue to be Doug & Liz Searles (China), Bruce & Linda Hanson (Hondoras), John Campbell-Nelson (Indonesia), and Shannon Walker (Dominican Republic).

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Is Your Computer a Tool of God's Ministry to You?

Emails. Do you receive emails that inspire you? That touch your need? That call you back to the basics of faith, family, and nation? Isn’t it amazing how timely some of them are? Please forward your favorites to Amanda Wetterling at the church office, trinityparish@iowatelecom.net. For her to post on the “Inspirations from United Trinity Parish” page as encouragement to others.

Are there inspirational sites you bookmark as favorites and visit often? Send them to Amanda so she can share them with the whole church family.

The parish webpage. For the past month Pastor Dale has been using the new Humeston Parish E-News (http://trinityparish.blogspot.com) to report on the day-to-day activities of our two churches. Check out the link to it on the blog. And oh my gosh! Have you seen the new link to Pauline (Gibbs) Williams “Humeston My Hometown” web page. History of both churches can be found there. You will absolutely love it. If you do visit the site, scroll to the bottom and check out the Firefighters site as well. You can email updates directly to her.

Blog. Every day or so Pastor Dale is adding to the church Blog, http://trinityparish.blogspot.com which we are now calling Humeston Parish Churches Online. We are calling it that so that the Google and Yahoo search engines will list our site on their first page when people search for churches in Humeston.

We’ve added a new page – the Humeston Parish E-News. We are trying hard to let you know what we have done as soon as we have done it – faster than a speeding New Era. Also we are trying to identify more clearly in the email notices we send you what the news items are about so you can quickly decide whether to you want to read them or not.

Twitter. Pastor Dale is now using twitter.com to highlight upcoming events and activities at the church. You can “following” him or the church. Sign up for your own free twitter account at www.twitter.com and then choose to follow either HumestonParish or DaleOConnell. If you follow HumestonParish you will get all parish announcements, but only those announcements. If you follow DaleOConnell you will get his announcements, parish announcements, and twitter posts from other members and friends. Either way, it’s easy to learn and really kind of fun.

Facebook. And for those of you enjoying your Facebook page, invite Dale O’Connell as a friend. You can also read his own personal blog at http://theblueheron.blogspot.com.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Stan Has Friends

I met with Stan today. He's preaching this coming Sunday, as I will be attending the Iowa Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. We planned out the service and I learned that Stan is going to talk about some of his friends.

If you are one of Stan's friends you might want to be here to defend yourself. Or, just come and listen to some good stories.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

South Central Partnership met in Lucas

The Presbyterian churches in South Central Iowa try to work together. We use our Partnership dinner each month for fellowship and sharing.

We met Thursday with Allerton, Chariton, Indianola, Leon, LeRoy and Lucas represented. Absent were Carlisle, Centerville, Hartford, and Knoxville. Thanks to Lucas for hosting.

The churches are all pursuing interesting ministries. David Endriss reported that the churches had now contributed the $340 needed for the partnership to purchase a shallow well for the Marion Mission Shallow Well project in Malawi. Suzanne Gorhau (Centerville) will see to getting the money there and the well built.

We will meet in July to hear from Kathy Mahler, Presbytery of Des Moines missionary serving the poorest of the poor in El Salvador. And in the Fall we will have a workshop for all our partnership churches on the amazing Evangelism book, Unbinding the Gospel (click here for overview). Thanks to Jack DePond at Leon for this initiative.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Presbytery Addresses Financial Crisis

The Presbytery of Des Moines met Tuesday at Park Ave Presbyterian Church in South Des Moines. We enjoyed a beautiful afternoon time of worship, moving to the dinner tables for a more intimate sharing of communion and then to enjoy a superb Italian dinner.

As for the business, most of it was quick and interesting. We heard reports from our mission projects - in El Salvador, in Egypt, in Des Moines, and with the Sudanese community in Des Moines.

We learned that the Presbyterian Pension Fund is 100% funded and secure; we shared each others joys and troubles; and we commissioned a new Lay Pastor to serve on the staff at Heartland Presbyterian Church.

The time consuming and substantial matter was the issue of not having money to fund the Presbytery budget through the end of the year. The shortfall is expected to be just under $60,000 for this budget year, and similar in ensuing years.

The quick-fix, knee-jerk, right-now action the Presbytery took was to ask the churches for additional and immediate financial support. Also, the Presbytery officials were instructed to bring to Presbytery at the August meeting a more detailed response containing specific recommendations.

The next meeting will be hosted by the Brooklyn and Malcolm congregations.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Centennial Pictures

Check out some of Humeston's history on the web. Just click Humeston.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Lonnie Showers Funeral Dinner

Church members and friends gifted the Showers family with Christian love and hospitality following Lonnie's funeral Friday. The comfort of the church hall, a warm shelter on a rainy day, was the perfect place to gather, relax and visit following that blessed service.

Roasters full of beef, crock pots full of mashed potatoes and gravy, tables full of salads and desserts were provided. It was a cattleman's feast. We will be keeping the family and friends in our prayers.

And thanks once again to Ed and Karon at the Front Street Market for all the extra help in preparing the meat.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mormon Trails Baccalaureate

I just got home from the 2009 Baccalaureate service, held this year at First Baptist in Humeston. Great service! Kristi Gwinn was the speaker, passing on to the graduates the words God gave her to say, words that came immediately to mind when she received the invitation from the class to be their speaker.

She asked the class
1. to remember their roots in the Lord,
2. to reflect the Lord in their life, and
3. to inspire each other to live into God's purpose.

Kayla Lochmann sang. Her oh-so-beautiful voice was perfect for the jaci velasquez song, "For God So Loved the World" and two others. Kayla rocks.

Also in the service were Gloria Heath and Tyler Watkins (class of '09); teachers Karey Parmer and Claudia Brown; pastors Lyle Ball, Art Anderson and me (Dale O'Connell); and pianist Jayne Miller.

We will recognize our Seniors at the Humeston church this Sunday morning (10:30). Graduation is Sunday afternoon at 3:30.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother/Daughter Banquet a Success

The banquet was a huge success with more than 90 enjoying the Helping Hands scalloped chicken entre. Marilyn Kay Long gave an inspirational talk with special music provided by Hailee Kelso, Averi Porter and an ensemble of local girls. Best of all, the men did the dishes.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mother Daughter Banquet

Don't forget, May 9 at 6:30 pm is the Mother Daughter Banquet with guest speaker, Marilyn Kay Long, along with other local talent. Reserve your tickets today at Snyder's, Great Western Bank, and HCUMC office. Tickets are $7 for adults and $4 for children 5 & under.

Upcoming Baptism

Juan & Jennifer Martinez will be celebrating thier daughter's, Carley's, baptism coming up in June. Further details will be announced later.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mother/Daughter Banquet

Join us on May 9 to celebrate Mother’s Day. This year’s theme will be “Treasure Your Mother.” Tickets are $7 for adults, $4 for children 5 & under. The festivities will begin at 6:30 pm at Humeston Christian United Methodist Church. Tickets will be available at Snyder’s, Great Western Bank, HCUMC office, or contact Belva Snow.

The guest speaker for the Mother/Daughter banquet will be Marilyn Kay Long. Marilyn is the wife of Marion Long, the mother of three sons, mother-in-law to three daughters, and the grandmother of nine children.

She is a graduate nurse who retired at the time of her first son’s birth. During that time her children were in public school, she began teaching a city-wide Bible study in Des Moines. Soon she was speaking at conferences, clubs, and conventions in the Midwest. As a result of her teaching she has had a Biblical counseling ministry in the area for 40 years.

Marilyn is a free-lance interior decorator and artist, but finds family and Biblical ministry her first love.

TUF Team - April 22

TUF Team met on April 22 for the last meeting. Since this was Earth Day, they picked up trash around town, had a pizza party, and reviewed Easter using the Easter eggs and symbols. Everyone had a good time this year. Several have showed interest in attending camp this year, so far 2 forms have been turned in, but there are still more to come. We will list those attending camp with addresses for everyone to send them mail in the June newsletter.

Parish Council Notes

Completed the Ministry Appraisal form to be turned in to the District Superintendent providing an evaluation of parish goals and staff performance relative to those goals.

Administrative Council Notes

1. Approved $300 conference expense for Diane to attend IAC
2. Acknowledged that several members increased their giving for 2009 and approved a 3-part Fundraising Plan to address the expected 2009 budget deficit remaining. These will be explained during the Sunday services in May.
a. Special Fifth Sunday Offerings
Each 5th Sunday a special offering to help with a designated budget expense
such as propane, electricity, insurance, etc.
b. Memorial Christmas Ornaments
Beautiful ornaments given in memory/honor of loved ones for display in church
during Advent and then given to donors for their use in subsequent years.
c. GoodSearch.com
An online source of income with 1 penny being donated to our church for every
Yahoo search anyone makes on our behalf. Also generates income for the
church when people shop online.
3. Received the reports of Helping Hands, Worship Committee, Youth Group plans for their mission trip during spring break, and Mission Committee which was celebrating the success of the Wayne County (SILO) mission effort to prepare pre-packaged meals for Africa.

Session Notes

Session met Monday, April 13, and discussed a variety of issues. They approved the purchase of a new vacuum, replacement of plug-in, and installation of a gas valve shut-off.
Pastor Dale updated them on Jonna Reader and other missionaries.
He also announced the upcoming VBS dates. Session also approved the usage of Camp E.D.G.E. for LeRoy VBS. LeRoy VBS will be Aug. 3-7 with the program on Aug. 9 during worship time.
There was much discussion on whether or not to start an endowment. Session was asked to think and pray about it and more discussion would come at the next meeting.

News from the Denominations

**DOC (Upper Midwest Region of the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ)
1. The Upper Midwest Region has recently hired a new Administrative Coordinator for Ministries. Her name is Connie Derby Dicks. She will start May 12, 2009.

2. As a cost saving measure the Regional Church Center has been closed and the offices moved to a temporary administrative center at the Christian Conference Center in Newton.

3. Don Hiscox and Bill Spangler-Dunning remain as Regional staff. To reach them by phone use their cell numbers. (Don 515-577-9020) (Bill 515-577-9050)

4. Do you have questions? See FAQ link.

**IAC (Iowa Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church)
1. The theme for the 2009 Iowa Annual Conference is “Radical Hospitality, Receiving God’s Grace.” Bishop Julius Calvin Trimble will preside. Read his bio. The dates are June 4-7.

2. The South Central District Annual Conference was held in Chariton on Sunday April 26th with Rev. Bill Poland, District Superintendent, presiding.

**PDM (Presbytery of Des Moines of the Presbyterian Church USA)
1. Rev. Linda O’Connell has been elected as Moderator of Presbyterian Women for the Presbytery. Her term began Saturday April 25th and as Moderator, she will be a voting delegate at Presbyterian Women’s Triennial Gathering in Louisville KY in July.

2. The next Stated meeting of the Presbytery will be Tuesday, May 19th at Park Avenue Presbyterian Church, Des Moines.

Remembering Easter

I only ever attended one pro-football game that I remember. It was a playoff game in Pittsburgh between the Steelers and the Oakland Raiders. The remarkable thing about the game is how it ended. On the last play of the game Terry Bradshaw threw a desperation pass. The receiver missed it, the ball was batted in the air, and before the ball had time to hit the ground Franko Harris scooped it up and ran it into the end zone, scoring the winning touchdown.

My Dad was there at the game with me, but he didn’t see the play. He was gathering up the blankets we had been bundled in. “What happened? What happened?” he asked when the crowd suddenly went absolutely nuts, “did we win? We won? How? What happened?”

We were both there. I saw it. He didn’t. But we both knew it happened. It was an absolutely unbelievable experience. Over the years we both enjoyed remembering that day, going back over the game, recalling that wonderland feelings. How fortunate we were to have been there, at the beginning of the rise of the Steelers to football dominance.
What an experience!

Friends, I tell this story to make a point, a very serious point, and the point is this. Our experience of that day had nothing to do with the Steelers winning the game. Neither did our experience that day have anything to do with the Steelers rise to football dominance. What Franko Harris, Terry Bradshaw and the Pittsburgh Steelers did, they did on their own. What Dad and I experienced has nothing to do with their accomplishments. What they did is one thing. What we experienced is another.

I tell this story as a parable about Easter. Easter is about that moment in time, that last play of the game, when Jesus miraculously rose from the dead. Game over. Eternity won.

Easter is about Jesus, what he did, and whether we believe he did it. Easter is a fact, a done deal. Easter does not depend on anyone’s experience of it. It happened, thank God, and it changed the world forever.

I saw Franko catch the ball. My Dad did not. But we both know it happened, and in happening it changed the franchise of the Steelers forever. Steelers fans still experience that day with great relish. Raider fans still experience that day, but much differently.

Back to Easter for a moment. When all is said and done, Easter is a fact. Our feelings about it, whether affirming or denying, don’t change a thing. Jesus is Risen. That’s all that matters. Believe it or Not.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Youth Mission Trip

We will leave on April 9 and arrive back on the 14. On Thursday, we will fly into Washington DC and drive to outside NYC. Friday we will spend in NYC at the 911 Memorial and other sights. Saturday we will drive back through Philadelphia and see Freedom Hall and the Liberty Bell. Saturday afternoon through Tuesday morning we will be in Washington DC.We have tickets to tour the Holocaust Museum on Monday morning and that is the only thing set at this time. We are planning on feeding the homeless for our mission project but we’re not sure what day that will occur.

April's Coming - Or - Whaz Up?

Easter, and Holy Week leading up to it, is the main in-parish focus this month.

On Palm Sunday look for a Palm Parade at both worship services. At LeRoy the children and Pastor Dale will have time to rehearse between breakfast and church. Also on Palm Sunday in Humeston, we will enjoy special song from one of our youth. And another will be baptized and join the church. Later in the month we will have one of our families joining with the children being baptized.

Holy Week services will include the Communion Service on Maundy (Mandate) Thursday at 7pm in LeRoy and the Good Friday Service at 7pm in Humeston.

Easter Sunrise Service won’t really be at sunrise, but at 7am in Humeston, followed by pancake and sausage breakfast provided by the Helping Hands. Easter Services of Celebration will be at the normal worship hours – 9:00 in LeRoy, 10:30 in Humeston. Special offerings to help meet the needs of regions and countries effected by natural disasters will be received at both services.

Potluck News: We are combining the April and May potluck after-church dinners and having only one. It will be on April 26th in Humeston at noon.

Youth Mission Trip to 9/11 Memorial (NYC) and Holocaust Museum (DC) is April 9-14

SILO hunger mission in Wayne Co packaging meals for Africa and gathering canned goods and staples for local food pantry will be held at Centennial Building 10am – 2pm in Allerton April 4

Spring Gathering of Presbytery Women of the Presbytery of Des Moines will be at Cottage Grove Presbyterian Church in Des Moines, Saturday April 25. Rev Linda O’Connell will be installed as Moderator.

Humeston Chamber of Commerce and Front Street Market are working together on many Tuesdays serving the meals at the Humeston Sale Barn. By eating there you support our local business as well as the community betterment activities of the Chamber. Help keep Humeston strong.

March News - Or - Watcha Been Doin?

This month has been heavy into ministry with families and youth.

In LeRoy, we decided to have a potluck breakfast before church. After breakfast Pastor Dale met with the children and prepared them for a short children’s program during worship. It sure made Sunday morning more fun. The program was about the season of Lent. We will do this again in April and May. Thanks Mandy for the great idea.

The parish new member class has one family and one junior high student. Yeah! They will be joining the church in April.

The youth have been really busy with fundraisers and with each one getting enough volunteer points to qualify for a mission trip scholarship. Their fundraisers included 1) a bake sale, 2) a trash & treasure sale, and 3) a sit-down oriental dinner which the youth both prepared and served. We are proud of them – Emma Clemon, Midori Reed, Kelsey Gehlhaar, Kylie DeVore, Cassie Moore, Emily Secrest, Mikayla Reed, and Hailee Kelso. And so thankful for the youth leaders – Jan Lundahl, Mary Jackson, and Michiko Fogel, and for Andrew Reed’s help too. In the midst of all this the Youth Group found time to spend a few hours in mission service at the homeless shelter in Des Moines.

Speaking of youth, they are absolutely excellent leading in worship. They have been taking turns, 2 x 2, adding their youthful voices to the readings and prayers. Emma Clemon and Samantha Watsabaugh each played flute one Sunday. Watch for more youth in the music program.

The younger youth program is the TUF Team. We met twice in March on early-out days with about a dozen youth in attendance. Main themes were Baptism and Communion. Lots of crafts, indoor and outdoor activities, a video or two. Good times!

On the 22nd we welcomed Rev Russ Melby as preacher for the day. He talked about his work with Church World Service and CROP, as he is the regional director for these in Iowa. There is more about him on our blog. Just scroll back and you’ll find it. We also recorded his message which you can watch on our church video site. Then after church the Helping Hands grilled burgers and dogs. What a feast, kinda like Spring’s first Fling.

UMW (United Methodist Women) took their turn at hosting World Day of Prayer in Humeston. Women from several churches were present. And the UMW women did a really fine job presenting the worship material prepared half a world away.

And led by the mission committee, the whole church is getting involved in the Wayne County mission effort to help Kids Against Hunger. Our local effort is organized by SILO (Southern Iowa Loves Others) and focuses on packaging 60,000 meals for Africa and gathering canned goods and staples for the local food pantry. Virginia Watson and Diane Olsen Schroeder have been representing our parish.

Leaning On Jesus

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18

Grief is the ever-present companion of Loss.

Most anything can bring on a sense of loss. Loss of mobility or hearing or sight.
Loss of privilege, job or home. The loss of someone moving away or dying. The loss of dignity and self-respect generated by oppression and abuse.

The anger we feel when threatened by or actually encountering limitations is also a form of grief. The limits of time, money, energy, personal freedoms. The sense of losing control, of powerlessness or helplessness, can also be a form of loss.

In God’s magnificent design for creation there is a time for everything, including loss. Read Ecclesiastes 3 again, A Time for Everything. That’s reality, harsh temporal reality!

Also in God’s magnificent design is a place for God’s unending love, amazing grace and all-sufficient mercy. That’s also reality, saving spiritual reality!

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18

Here’s the lesson. Though we will surely experience loss, a lot of it, throughout our lives the one loss we will never experience is loss of fellowship with God and separation from God’s eternal care. While we may feel distant from God, the fact is that God is never distant from us. God is ever near. Turn again toward Jesus, take his hand, and be whole.

SILO - 60,000 Meals

It’s absolutely thrilling to see the response to the Wayne County SILO project, in support of the Kids Against Hunger mission. Over $15,000 has been raised locally. Therefore on April 4 we will package more than 60,000 meals for Africa. Sign up now to help on the 4th for an hour or more. Everyone is welcome.

Thank You

The youth would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of their Trash & Treasure Sale and/or their Oriental Dinner. We had a long day but cleared over $1000 for our trip. Again, thank you.
Besides helping us, your donations to the sale were shared with some families who are struggling financially and a child who lost clothes in a fire. A small part of what was left was packed up for next year, and some left for Goodwill, but most was sent to Janice Downen to be used at the HIS store. Thanks again.

Child Avocate Program

Child Advocate Program Needs Volunteers in Wayne County

The State of Iowa Child Advocacy Board is recruiting volunteers to work on child abuse or neglect cases in the court system in Wayne County. Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) are assigned one case at a time in their own county in order to give attention needed to make knowledgeable recommendations in the child’s best interest. Volunteers will visit the child on their case at least monthly, as well as gather additional information from other sources.

Special education and expertise is not required; what is needed is an ability to be objective and to work with people and communicate effectively. Training is provided. We welcome volunteers from all educational and ethnic backgrounds. Contact Carrie Phelps at 866-451-3214 or carrie.phelps@dia.iowa.gov for more information about becoming a child advocate in your community.